Maidstone: 01622 678143
Folkestone: 01303 255465

A World Leading Engineering Service Provider

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About Us

Our unique combination of commercial, design and engineering skills gives us the ability to consider all aspects of your project. 

We are one of the few companies with the in-depth experience, knowledge and expertise to ensure your project meets and exceeds your expectations. We produce high quality parts, taking projects efficiently from initial design and prototype stages through to production tooling and final manufacture. Our prices and lead times are competitive without compromising on quality. 

Value engineering is an integral part of the ATS UK philosophy. We also pride ourselves on our ability to offer clients total solutions however large or small their project. Our aim is always to help you get your product to market as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

ATS UK offers you one of the most comprehensive ranges of toolmaking, jigs and fixtures, rapid prototype, production tooling, and low volume production facilities in the UK. 

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